Note: 1. All the questions are compulsory

  2. Create folder inside the folder "MCA 2C Answers" - for Dehradun students and "MCA 2 Haldwani" for Haldwani Students 

  3. Folder name should consist of YourName_UniversityRollNo.
  4. Submit your code (Java file) along with screenshots of output in the folder created by yourself 
  5. Upload the folder in the given time (i.e. within 1 hour) only. if somebody uploads after 12, the submission will not be considered
  6. For outputs, the Screenshot should be of the full Screen otherwise your program and the output will not be considered.
           1.  Write a Java Program which, prints the elements of a string in such a way that the first and last element of the string are printed in Upper case and the 
               intermediate elements are printed in reverse order.(do not use inbuilt function for reverse)
           2.  Write a Java Program that has a Class Which Creates Account, perform Deposite Money and Tries to WithDraw more Money Which Generates a LessBalanceException.
               Create BankAccount with 500 Rs Minimum Balance, Deposit Amount, Withdraw Amount and Also Throws LessBalanceException.
               Class LessBalanceException returns the Statement that Says WithDraw Amount(_Rs) is Not Valid.