
Add ajax image upload functionality with a progress bar to file input fields within Django admin. Images are optionally resized.

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##Ajax file uploads


Add ajax image upload functionality with a progress bar to file input fields within Django admin. Images are optionally resized.


pip install django-ajaximage

# settings.py
AJAXIMAGE_DIR = 'ajaximage/' # (optional, default is 'ajaximage/')

# urls.py
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^ajaximage/', include('ajaximage.urls')),
# models.py
from django.db import models
from ajaximage.fields import AjaxImageField

class Example(models.Model):
    thumbnail = AjaxImageField(upload_to='thumbnails',
                               max_height=200, #optional
                               max_width=200, # optional
                               crop=True) # optional
# if crop is provided both max_height and max_width are required

You may need to call collectstatic to make the assets available in your admin area.

python manage.py collectstatic