
Ultra-customizable carousel framework for React.JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status npm version dependencies Status js-standard-style


Micro carousel framework for React.JS https://xiaody.github.io/react-touch-carousel/docs/

Yes, there are a few carousel libraries out there. Most of them are mature and easy to use for common usage, but none of them are convenient for the highly customized fancy UX that your team's cool designer wants.

react-touch-carousel does it in a different way. Instead of accepting some static DOM nodes and providing a thousand options, it does an inversion of control and lets you decide what content inside carousel are rendered and how they are styled, totally and dynamically.


To install the stable version:

npm install --save react-touch-carousel


import TouchCarousel from 'react-touch-carousel'

const listOfData = [
  // your data array here

function CarouselContainer (props) {
  // render the carousel structure

function renderCard (index, modIndex, cursor) {
  const item = listOfData[modIndex]
  // render the item


The CarouselContainer() and renderCard() are where all the magic happens, which shall be directed by you. See some detailed examples.


props.component {Component}

Your container component of the carousel.

react-touch-carousel will pass it's touch listeners, dragging/active state, current position cursor to this component.

It is actually called like this:


props.renderCard(index, modIndex, cursor, carouselState) {Function}

The card renderer.

All rendered cards joined as an array will be passed to props.component as it's children.

props.cardCount {Number}

The count of your cards, not including the padded ones.

props.cardPadCount {Number}

The count of padded cards, necessary for looping.

Ignored if loop is false.

props.cardSize {Number}

The width (or height if vertical is true) in pixels of a card.

props.vertical {Boolean}

Listen to vertical touch moves instead of horizontal ones. Default false.

props.loop {Boolean}

Tail to head, head to tail. Default true.

props.autoplay {Number}

Interval in milliseconds, 0 as disabled. Default 0.

props.defaultCursor {Number}

The cursor value for initial render.

Notice the sign of the number, normally it should be negative or zero(default).

props.onRest(index, modIndex, cursor, carouselState) {Function}

Callback when the carousel is rested at a card.


Add some listeners if you need.

props.ignoreCrossMove {Number|Boolean}

If deltCrossAxis * ignoreCrossMove > deltMainAxis, carousel would ignore the dragging.

true as 1 and false as 0. Default true.



A cursor indicates the transition position of the carousel.

When the user swipes right, the number gets bigger. When the user swipes left, the number get smaller.

There are three steps to calculating the cursor's final value: specified, computed, used.

In most cases you just use the used cursor value to render your carousel content.


A carouselState is always passed to your component and renderCard.

It contains:

  cursor, // the specified cursor
  active, // is user interacting with the component, no matter dragging or pressing or clicking?
  dragging, // is user dragging the component?
  springing, // has user dragged and released the component, and the component is transitioning to the specified cursor?
  moding // is the cursor moding?


This happens if you enable loop. We keep the cursor in a valid range by "moding" it.

Advanced options

There are some advanced options, but normally you don't need to touch them.



Transition to a position.


Transition to next card.


Transition to previous card.


Hard jump to a position.

Mouse support

We provide an HOC for very basic mouse support. Internally it simulates touch events with the mouse events.

import touchWithMouseHOC from 'react-touch-carousel/lib/touchWithMouseHOC'

const Container = touchWithMouseHOC(CarouselContainer)
