The code performs joint estimation of ARMA(P,Q)-GJR-GARCH(p,o,q) model. The code creates garch-object:
- data - pandas DataFrame or numpy array. (If your data are stock returns, it is advised to multiply them by 100 for stability reasons)
- PQ - tuple with AR and MA lags in ARMA model (default: (0,0))
- poq - tuple which specifies the amount of lags in GJR-GARCH model, if o is set to 0 then GARCH model is estimated instead. (default: (1,0,1))
- startingVals - 2+P+Q+p+o+q array with starting vals in ARMA-GJR-GARCH model, if not sepcified the grid search is performed to find starting values. (default: None)
- constant - if False, forces to estimate GARCH model and assume the data is demeaned (default: True)
- debug - if True, shows additional output necessary for debuging (default: False)
- printRes - if False, does not shows the resulted estimations (default:True)
- fast - if True, skips estimation of standard errors and only estimates the coefficients (default: False)
- extraRegressors - pandas DataFrame or numpy array of additional regressors to add to the model. (default: None)
- fit() - estimate the ARMA-GJR-GARCH model
- summary() - print the table with estimated parameters and statistics
- applyModel(newData, reconstruct = False, y0=0, h0=1) - if reconstruct is set to False, applies the estimated model on newData and returns list of innovations and consitional variances. If reconstruct = True, then treats newData as simulated standardized innovations and returns list with returns and conditional variances
- predict(step=1) - makes n-step forecast. (EXPERIMENTAL: works stable only for 1 step forecast for now)
- ht - array of conditional variances
- params - estimates of the model
- vcv - variance-covariance matrix (robustly estimated)
- data - raw data
- AIC - Aikake Information Criteria
- BIC - Bayesian Information Criteria
- HQIC - Harley-Quinn Information Criteria
- ll - log-likelihood
- et - innovations
- stres - standardized residuals
- uncvar - unconditional variance of the data
The code requires: NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, Shutil and Statsmodels
Copy and in a directory of your project. Then basic usage is as follows
import pandas as pd
from garch import garch
# load your data here
data = pd.read_csv('PATH_TO_MY_DATA.csv')
# create garch object
garchModel = garch(data, PQ = (1,1), poq = (1,0,1))
# fit model in the data
- Ian Khrashchevskyi - iankhr
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Special thanks to Kevin Sheppard for his Python for Econometrics, which was an inspiration to write current code