A simple full stack web application built using MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. A cloud based MongoDB server deployed through mLab enables full CRUD functionality through the Express App Engine. This is a custom boilerplate environment for full stack applications however there is a more in depth boilerplate command line interface available at MERN.
Installing and Deploying the MERN-CLI Tool
1. npm install -g mern-cli
2. mern init your_new_app
3. cd your_new_app
4. npm install
5. npm start
This web application provides a mockup of the Facebook Comment Section functionality. By using a simple database schema and a frontend, built with React JS, users can input both a name_id and comment that will display in browser. Included in the package.json
file are scripts that enable users to start a mongodb server with nodemon enabled, as well as start a react server for real-time development.
// Taking from the package.json file @ root
"scripts": {
"start:server": "cd backend && nodemon server.js --exec babel-node --presets es2015,stage-0",
"start:client": "cd client && npm start",
"start:dev": "concurrently \"npm start:server\" \"npm start:client\"",
"stop": "taskkill -F -IM node.exe"