
Java 2 day w/ H2 database. Pair: Kristen 6/6/18

Primary LanguageJava

Game Reviewer

By: Kayl Eubanks and Kristen Chellis


This application is for creating and archiving reviews of board games.

Setup/Installation Requirement for Developers:

  • Clone repository on your local computer from LINK

  • If you already have Java and IntelliJ IDEA installed, then skip to "Running Application"

    Java Installation Instructions:

    IntelliJ IDEA Installation Instructions:

    Running Application:

    • Open IntelliJ IDEA
    • Go to File -> Open
    • Find the project folder and open from root directory of project
    • Select src -> main -> java -> App.java
    • Right click on App.java
    • Press 'Run'
    • Follow instructions given by program


  • User will be able to add a new board game
  • User will be able to add a new game publisher (developer)
  • User will be able to submit a review of a board game
  • User will be able to update details for board games, publishers, and reviews
  • User will be able to delete board games, publishers, and reviews
  • User will be able to view: ** All publishers ** All board games ** Details for a single board game ** All board games from a single publisher ** All reviews for a single board game ** Details of a single review

Known Bugs

No known bugs. Please contact author at kayleubanks@gmail.com with any bugs.

Technologies Used

  • Java
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Gradle
  • JUnit
  • Spark
  • Handlebars/Mustache


This software is licensed under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2018 Kayl Eubanks