This application is for creating and archiving reviews of board games.
Clone repository on your local computer from LINK
If you already have Java and IntelliJ IDEA installed, then skip to "Running Application"
- Navigate to
- Download appropriate Java SDK
- Install file
- Navigate to
- Download Java JRE
- Install file
- open Command Line/Bash/Console
- run command '$ java -version' to confirm installation
- Navigate to
- Download the community version (available for free)
- Install file
- Open IntelliJ IDEA
- Go to File -> Open
- Find the project folder and open from root directory of project
- Select src -> main -> java ->
- Right click on
- Press 'Run'
- Follow instructions given by program
- User will be able to add a new board game
- User will be able to add a new game publisher (developer)
- User will be able to submit a review of a board game
- User will be able to update details for board games, publishers, and reviews
- User will be able to delete board games, publishers, and reviews
- User will be able to view: ** All publishers ** All board games ** Details for a single board game ** All board games from a single publisher ** All reviews for a single board game ** Details of a single review
No known bugs. Please contact author at with any bugs.
- Java
- IntelliJ IDEA
- Gradle
- JUnit
- Spark
- Handlebars/Mustache
This software is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2018 Kayl Eubanks