
Class project for ECS 240 programming languages

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Class project for ECS 240 programming languages

Requires Python Version 3.5+

Deploy Instructions:

Open console or terminal

Run the following command in terminal python main.py

Running python main.py -d can run the program in debug mode

Either provide a dataset or use our dummydata set (dataset should be a .csv and in the same dir as main.py)

Ask your questions

Example commands would be:

To initialize a data set:

open sample.csv

read sample.csv

To view the data set:

show me everything

show the spreadsheet

To view a particular column/row/cell:

column 1

row 0

what is cell b4

set commands -- changing a cell won't save to file:

set a0 to 0

set a0 to the average of column 2 and 3

stat commands -- supports median, mean, std deviation, min, and max:

get the average of column 1

get the median of column 2,3 and 4

what is the standard deviation of row 0 and 1

what is the maximum of row 0

min of row 0