This repository contains an implementation of ConvMixer for the ICLR 2022 submission "Patches Are All You Need?" by Asher Trockman and Zico Kolter.
🔎 New: Check out this repository for training ConvMixers on CIFAR-10.
The most important code is in
. We trained ConvMixers using the timm
framework, which we copied from here.
Update: ConvMixer is now integrated into the timm
framework itself. You can see the PR here.
Inside pytorch-image-models
, we have made the following modifications. (Though one could look at the diff, we think it is convenient to summarize them here.)
- Added ConvMixers
- added
- modified
- added
- Added "OneCycle" LR Schedule
- added
- modified
- modified
- modified
- modified
(added two lines to support this LR schedule)
- added
We are confident that the use of the OneCycle schedule here is not critical, and one could likely just as well train ConvMixers with the built-in cosine schedule.
We provide some model weights below:
Model Name | Kernel Size | Patch Size | File Size |
ConvMixer-1536/20 | 9 | 7 | 207MB |
ConvMixer-768/32* | 7 | 7 | 85MB |
ConvMixer-1024/20 | 9 | 14 | 98MB |
Model Name | Kernel Size | Dilation Size | Patch Size | File Size |
ConvMixer-256/16_7x7 | 7 | 1 | 1 | 14,8MB |
ConvMixer-256/16_3x3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 13MB |
ConvMixer-256/16_3x3_dilated | 3 | 3 | 1 | 13MB |
ConvMixer-256/16_3x3_dcls | 3 | 3 | 1 | 13,8MB |
* Important: ConvMixer-768/32 here uses ReLU instead of GELU, so you would have to change
accordingly (we will fix this later).
You can evaluate ConvMixer-1536/20 as follows:
python --model convmixer_1536_20 --b 64 --num-classes 1000 --checkpoint [/path/to/convmixer_1536_20_ks9_p7.pth.tar] [/path/to/ImageNet1k-val]
You should get a 81.37%
If you had a node with 10 GPUs, you could train a ConvMixer-1536/20 as follows (these are exactly the settings we used):
sh 10 [/path/to/ImageNet1k]
--train-split [your_train_dir]
--val-split [your_val_dir]
--model convmixer_1536_20
-b 64
-j 10
--opt adamw
--epochs 150
--sched onecycle
--input-size 3 224 224
--lr 0.01
--aa rand-m9-mstd0.5-inc1
--cutmix 0.5
--mixup 0.5
--reprob 0.25
--remode pixel
--num-classes 1000
--warmup-epochs 0
--clip-grad 1.0
We also included a ConvMixer-768/32 in timm/models/ (though it is simple to add more ConvMixers). We trained that one with the above settings but with 300 epochs instead of 150 epochs.
Note: If you are training on CIFAR-10 instead of ImageNet-1k, we recommend setting --scale 0.75 1.0
as well, since the default value of 0.08 1.0 does not make sense for 32x32 inputs.
sh 1 --dataset cifar10 /path_to/CIFAR10-images/
--train-split /path_to/CIFAR10-images/train
--val-split /path_to/CIFAR10-images/test
--model convmixer_256_16_dcls
-b 128
-j 1
--opt adamw
--epochs 200
--input-size 3 32 32
--lr 0.01
--num-classes 10
--warmup-epochs 0
--weight-decay 0.01
--opt-eps 1e-3
--sched onecycle
--clip-grad 1.0
--scale 0.75 1.0
--mean 0.4914 0.4822 0.4465
--std 0.2471 0.2435 0.261
--aa rand-m9-mstd0.5-inc1
--cutmix 0.5
--mixup 0.5
--reprob 0.25
--remode pixel
The tweetable version of ConvMixer, which requires from torch.nn import *
def ConvMixer(h,d,k,p,n):
S,C,A=Sequential,Conv2d,lambda x:S(x,GELU(),BatchNorm2d(h))
R=type('',(S,),{'forward':lambda s,x:s[0](x)+x})
return S(A(C(3,h,p,p)),*[S(R(A(C(h,h,k,groups=h,padding=k//2))),A(C(h,h,1))) for i in range(d)],AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1),Flatten(),Linear(h,n))