MERN Application
This application takes nonprofits out of the realm of tracking data manually on paper and into customizable databases that track and offer reporting of the information needed to gauge program impact.
To run the application locally, you will need to clone the repository to your local machine and open in your favorite code editor to check it out!
$ git clone
$ git clone
Or, visit the deployed version at:
- CSS3
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Express
- React
- Node.js
- React-Router-DOM
- React Chart.js2
- html2Canvas
- React-Date-Picker
- Passort.js
We started building this application in an effort to achieve a minimum viable product (MVP). To that end, we hope to achieve some future dated development ideas that will enhance the functionality and user engagement within the application.
The original contributors to this project are the following full stack developers:
- Gisele Soubeiga - Check out my repositories!
- Arvin Mahmoudi - Check out my repositories!
- Scotty Mikul - Check out my repositories!
- Alia Kyle Perry - Check out my repositories!
As such, for major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Changes will not be made without the consent of this development team.
Copyright (c) [2020] [The React Renegades]