An irc-bot written in Python 2.7. It's very easy to create functions for it.
Rename to!
This key is required. Probably you want to create a new Twitch account for your bot first. Then, while logged in with your bot's account, go to and get your twitch-oauth. Copy it (Including 'oauth:') to you file. (Instead of "oauth:##############################")
It is possible to check links via WebOfTrust ( If you want the links to be checked, you have to create an account at and get an API key ( Then, paste your fresh key between the brackets after 'WOT_KEY = ' in the settings file. Also, do not forget to set CHECK_LINKS to True.
All commands are in the folder './commands/src'. If you want to create a new one, all you have to do is to duplicate the template, rename the file and edit it. That's all! It's save to just remove a command file.