
Tweening Engine for OpenFrameworks

Primary LanguageC++

#ofxTweenMore A fork of ofxTweenzor with some API changes and new features

##C++ Tweening Library

What's different?

  • To and From tweens (Shorthand for when you want to start or end with a variable's current value)

  • Swapped position of delay and duration and made delay optional (Less typing since tweens don't always need a delay)

  • TM shorthand (Just a typedef for a little less typing)

  • Ping ponged tweens no longer count against a tween's count (If ping pong is set to true, going out and back is counted as 1 iteration rather than 2)

  • Specific tween types for certain parameters (@tiagosr added a feature to tween vectors, colors and rectangles. Now those kinds of tweens can be referenced explicitly. They're no longer just a bunch of float tweens)

  • Generlaized callbacks (callbacks can now take any parameter or no paramater, rather than just float)

    • Callback parameters can also be passed to a callback function

    TM::to(&myVar, targetValue, duration).addListener(this, &ofApp::callbackNoParams);


    TM::to(&myVar, targetValue, duration).addListener(this, &ofApp::callbackIntParam, 17);

    or even

    TM::to(&myVar, targetValue, duration).addListener(this, &ofApp::callbackPointerParam, &someObject);

  • Simple chaining (A simple way to create a sequence of tweens for the same property)

    TM::to(&myVar, targetValue1, duration).chainTo(targetValue2, duration).chainTo(targetValue3, duration);

What's planned?

  • Lambda callbacks now that C++11 is fully supported in OFX!
  • More custom tween handlers (onStart, onUpdate) with parameters
  • A timeline
  • Maybe even more generalized callbacks with return types other than void