
Binary Studio Academy 2018 PHP group project. A platform for searching places like cafes, bars, restaurants and other entertainments.

Primary LanguagePHP

CircleCI StyleCI

BSA PHP 2018 Hedonist project

Getting started

Install the following packages prior to standing up your development environment:

Set your .env vars and then type:

git clone <this_repo>
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it bsa-app-php composer install
docker exec -it bsa-app-php php artisan key:generate
docker exec -it bsa-app-php php artisan migrate

Frontend part (SPA)

You need to install yarn first.

Install all javascript packages:

yarn install


yarn run dev


yarn run prod




To start your containers you have only type next command:

docker-compose up -d

Run composer command you should use it within docker:

docker exec -it bsa-app-php composer <your command>

In order to execute artisan command use next syntax:

docker exec -it bsa-app-php php artisan <your command>