
A JSON based REST framework built on Ningle

Primary LanguageCommon LispMIT LicenseMIT


What is it

Caryle is a REST based framework built on top of Ningle (extreme speeeeeed).

Quick start

This is based on Ningle so:

(defparameter *app* (make-instance 'carlyle-app))

(clack:clackup *app* :port 44560)


An example

(def-no-auth-api%get *app* ("/v1/events/:event-id" params :jojo)
  (find-event event-id))

(defun %test-get-event-id (id)
  (test-get (format nil "v1/events/~A" (quri:url-encode id))))

(def-no-auth-api%get *app* ("/v1/events" params :jojo-list)
  (sort (alexandria:hash-table-values *events*)
        #'local-time:timestamp< :key #'start-date))


Caryle functions differently depending on the type of request you make, there are a few macros for defining API's.


You can change how the json body is parsed by changing the single argument function provided as the key :parser, this function should process the raw body from the request.


API's that dont have a body like those defined which are get and delete requests do not include a CRC header, those with a json body include a CRC header, this is verified automatically on receipt. If it fails then a condition is signalled and this is composed and then returned to the sender, see

{ "error": { "code": 400, "category": "BAD-REQUEST" }, "info": { "description": "Bearer token is missing for a request that requires authorization." }, "recover": { "high": "Append authorization header", "low": "Resend request." } }


Auth apis like those defined with def-auth-api%.. require an Authorization header which contains a valid bearer token, this uses a method called find-bearer-token and accepts two arguments, the token extracted from within the header, and the value of the key :bearer-verifier-args provided to the defapi macro. This is so you can modify how you verify a token, you can build varying authentication mechanisms.

(defmethod find-bearer ((token bearer-token) where)

(defmethod carlyle:find-bearer-token ((token string) args)
  (if args 
      (apply #'find-bearer token args)
      (find-bearer token :session)))

(defmethod carlyle:find-bearer-token ((token null) args)
  (error 'malformed-bearer-token))

Carlyle provides no default routes for handling authentication and the creation/destruction of authorization tokens, you have to handle this yourself, here is an example:

(def-no-auth-api%post *app* ("/v1/login" params json :jojo)
  (safe-destructure-keys (|username| |password|)
    (let ((user (find-user |username|)))
      (if (and user (valid-password-p user |password|))
          (new-bearer-token user)
          (error 'forbidden)))))

safe-destructure-keys is like destructure-bind except it makes sure that all the keys listed in the args list are non nil.

Adding conditions

When you want to add a new condition you just choose a superclass listed in src/conditions/conditions.lisp and then create a subclass of this, set the description and then add a compose-condition/recover entry as listed in src/conditions/compose.lisp and then signal this condition within the body of your defapi.

(define-condition not-found%event (carlyle:not-found)
  ((description :initform "Event not found")))

(defmethod carlyle:compose-condition/recover append ((con not-found%event) req &rest args)
  (declare (ignore args))
  `(("high" . "Correct your event id.")))

(define-condition not-found%product (carlyle:not-found)
  ((description :initform "Product not found")))

(defmethod carlyle:compose-condition/recover append ((con not-found%product) req &rest args)
  (declare (ignore args))
  `(("high" . "Correct your product id.")))

Remember that the compose-condition/recover method uses the method combination APPEND.

Validating types

Within the url of the examples you can see in the example section there are keywords like :event-id when Carlyle encounters a variable like that within the URL then it automatically url decodes this and produces a variable within the body of your api by that name, however it also verifies the type of the argument, this is done using a method called verify-param which takes a keyword and a val, the keyword is parsed by Ningle, this is a means of determining what type of argument is expected, you can see from the code below that verify-param :user-id checks if val is of type 't%user-id, and t%user-id is a string that starts with !.

(defmethod verify-param ((key (eql :user-id)) val)
  (typep val 't%user-id))

You have to specialize a method for verify-param on every keyword you want within URLs.

Post processing the body

There is a default method called post-process-body within src/json/json-protocol.lisp, this method is executed after the execution of body and receives the result from the execution as its first argument, the keyword WAY is specified in the defapi call, this is how you want to create the json that you return to the requestee, by default there is the key :JOJO and :JOJO-LIST however they both do the same thing, (jojo:to-json result). The parameters list that is parsed by Ningle is also returned, this would mean you can apply query parameters to the result after the execution of the body.

(defmethod post-process-body (result (way (eql :jojo)) params)
  "Single object uses jojo to generate the JSON."
  (jojo:to-json result))

The :around method also appends the CRC header to your response headers.
