
An Android imageboard client with the focus on maximum performance, fully written with Jetpack Compose (WIP).

Primary LanguageKotlinGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

This project is an experimental playground to try implementing an application entirely with Jetpack Compose without using the old Android UI framework. This application will only have the minimal feature support (Catalog/Thread viewing, posting, bookmarks, album, media viewer, some other stuff). No advansed stuff like composite catalogs, archives (maybe?), sound posts, thirdeye, anti-captcha services etc.

This is a 100% Jetpack Compose project with the goal to try to implement as many UI/UX elements from scratch as possible (There are exceptions like HorizontalPager/Coil). Here are examples of custom compose elements implemented in this project.

  • Compose navigation (Normal screens/dialog screen/screen transitions).
  • PullToRefresh.
  • Toolbar (with ability to switch between different toolbar types like normal toolbar -> search toolbar). Toolbar auto hides/reveals itself depending on a number of factors (like when scrolling the LazyColumn down).
  • Drawer.
  • Snackbars (toasts show up as snackbars too).
  • LazyColumn with scrollbar and fast scroller (drag the scrollbar thumb to scroll).
  • Custom insert/update animations for LazyColumn.
  • Two main layout types: normal (for phones) and split (mostly for tablets). Can be locked into either of them or set to be determined automatically (when using tablet or when switching to album orientation on phones).
  • A lot of custom gesture handling.
  • ComposeSubsamplingScaleImage

If you are interested in advanced compose then you may find it interesting.

One of the main goals of the app is to make catalog/thread loading as fast as possible by utilizing asynchronous post parsing. In KurobaEx (As well as Kuroba/Clover and, I think, pretty much any other client) all posts are fully parsed before being displayed (reply chains/filters/etc are processed before the posts are displayed as well) which makes catalog/thread loading very slow. In KurobaExLite, however, we only initially parse a very small window of posts (16-32) and the rest is parsed asynchronously while you navigate the catalog/thread. This makes catalog/thread loading instantaneous (Threads with ~1k posts are displayed in less than a second on Pixel 2 XL).

Things that are left to be implemented to achieve feature parity with Clover:

  • Catalog mode (grid/staggered grid).
  • Filters.
  • Theming options.

If you think this list is missing a feature from Clover you can create an issue with a request to add it.