Bobcat Heist for QBCore by Buildman Bob (half converted, half made)

Items for qb-core/shared.lua

['security_card_01'] 			 = {['name'] = 'security_card_01', 			  	['label'] = 'Security Card A', 			['weight'] = 0, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'security_card_01.png', 	['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,	   ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'A security card... I wonder what it goes to'},

['thermite'] 			 	 	 = {['name'] = 'thermite', 			  			['label'] = 'Thermite', 				['weight'] = 1000, 		['type'] = 'item', 		['image'] = 'thermite.png', 			['unique'] = false, 	['useable'] = true, 	['shouldClose'] = true,    ['combinable'] = nil,   ['description'] = 'Sometimes you\'d wish for everything to burn'},

["thermitec"] 				 	 = {["name"] = "thermitec",				    	["label"] = "Thermite Charge",			["weight"] = 1000,		["type"] = "item",		["image"] = "thermitec.png",		    ["unique"] = false,		["useable"] = true,		["shouldClose"] = true,	   ["combinable"] = nil,   ["description"] = "Go Burning"},

Help: 1st door can be opened with thermite, 2nd door can be opened with thermitec, 3rd door can be opened with security_card_01

Requirements: qb-policejob, np-memoryminigame, Bobcat MLO

INFO: reward items can be changed in server.lua, also non weapon items can be added.

INFO2: The explosion kills you and npcs do damage, I just had godmode on.


Credits: Mlo- aw3rque Memorygame- aw3rque