
Fast subdomain enumeration tool written in python.

Primary LanguagePython

Dnsplit - Sub-Domain Enumeration Tool 🕵️‍♂️

Dnsplit is a Python-based tool designed for efficiently discovering sub-domains. 🚀 It's a project that's close to my heart as I'm still relatively new to both coding and the ethical hacking field. Despite my beginner status, I've put in the effort to create a tool that I hope you'll find useful and enjoyable. 😊 Features ✨

Fast Sub-Domain Enumeration: Dnsplit is optimized for speed, helping you quickly find relevant sub-domains. 💨
Ethical Hacking Focus: While I'm a beginner, I've crafted Dnsplit with ethical hacking in mind. It's meant to assist fellow pentesters in their security assessments. 🛡️

Getting Started 🚀

Follow these steps to set up and use Dnsplit for your own sub-domain discovery tasks.

Prerequisites 🛠️

Before using Dnsplit, ensure you have the following:

Python (version XYZ)
Required Python libraries
Other necessary dependencies

Please install these components before proceeding.

Installation and Usage 📦

Clone the Repository:
Start by cloning the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/your-username/Dnsplit.git

Navigate to the Directory: Move into the Dnsplit directory:

cd Dnsplit

Run the Script: Execute the Dnsplit script:

python dnsplit.py

Contributing 🤝

If you're interested in contributing to Dnsplit, even with minor improvements or issue fixes, your contributions are highly appreciated! Fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. Let's work together to enhance Dnsplit. 👥

Contact 📬

Got questions, suggestions, or just want to chat? Feel free to reach out to me via instagram @1_k3ystr0k3r_1

Dnsplit might be a product of my journey as a beginner, but it's my way of contributing to the ethical hacking community. Here's to fruitful sub-domain discoveries and comprehensive security assessments! Happy hacking! 🔒🌟