
chai project

Primary LanguagePHP

MNCH Surveys

Maternal Neonatal and Child Health Surveys data collection and analysis tool, available here


  • Laravel (PHP7), Mongodb 3.2, Redis 3.*
  • efficiently/larasset used to minify assets
  • Also packaged as a singular docker container

Custom Commands

  • Custom php artisan commands used for management and deploymet

Docker compose

docker:build        Build the specific docker service or all services.
docker:debug        Open a privileged shell to debug a specific service
docker:down         Stops all docker container instances. Use --v to delete all volume data.
docker:restart      Restart the specific docker service or all services.
docker:run          Runs mnch with pre-defined docker images. Use the --d option to daemonise in production).
docker:start        Start the specific docker service or all services.
docker:status       Check running containers
docker:stop         Stops all docker container instances or specific service instance. Use --t to specify time in seconds for shutdown.

Firebase backups

firebase:backup     Manually run firebase backup.(Backups usually run automatically)
firebase:restore    Restore firebase backups.


  • Look at the .env.template