- To create Super Mario Game in Python3 using OOP on terminal
- 100 for killing an enemy
- PEP 8 Guidelines followed mostly everywhere
- Commented code
- Well planned and documented code
- Dynamic and relative movement of player and the frame meaning both the player and frame moves giving a realistic feel
- Gravity feature
- 2 player game
- Added extra 'down' and 'bullet' controls
- Multiple levels are implemented
- Time between two levels is 5 secs
- Difficulty varies as the distance needed to complete the level
- Water and pits on floor are randomly generated
- Obstacles on ground are generated with different shapes and sizes at random places
- Floating bricks are randomly generated
- Presence of clouds
- Randomly moves on ground
- Worth 100 points
- If collided player loses life
- Can shoot bullets
- Has a life
- A: left
- S: down
- D: right
- W: up
- X: shoot
- Q: quit
- 4: left
- 5: down
- 6: right
- 8: up
- 2: shoot
- 7: quit
- 2 player game
- Multiple level
- Has Sound
- Has Colour
- Inheritance: Multilevel Inheritance involving the base class sprite and classes bullet, character, brick being inherited from them
- Character
- Mario
- Luigi
- Enemy
- Brick
- Floor
- Bullet
- Cloud
- Polymorphism: Calling same methods for different objects using the same abstraction or method
- Having multiple types of bricks but using same add_bricks() function
- Having same collision detection function for all characters.
- Abstraction :- Hide inner details from user
- In floor.py add_all function calls three private functions for adding floor, pits and water
- In character check_obstacle function need not be accessed by class instances.
- Encapsulation: Class and object based approach for all the functionality implemented.
- Modularity - Code is modular and separated in different files