
Screenshot 2021-12-18 125058

About Company:

The Sun is an extremely powerful energy source, and the sunlight is by far the largest source of energy received by Earth, but its intensity at Earth’s surface is quite low. This is essential because of the enormous radial spreading of radiation from the distant Sun. With energy costs and consumption rising dramatically, the need for renewable energy has become urgent. In line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 plan to diversify energy sources. This project goal is to predict the weather in Saudi Arabia especially Sunny or Not sunny, to use for solar energy Where are the best location and the best days to work.


It would be interesting to see any machine learning techniques or continued data visualizations applied to this data set.

Aim and Objectives:

What are the best cities in Saudi Arabian for do Solar Energy?

Data Description

Field Name Description
City KSA city name
Date recorded date
Time recorded time
Year recorded date - year
Month recorded date - month
Day recorded date - day
Hour recorded time - hour
Minute recorded time - minute
Weather recorded weather description ( clear - sunny - Sunny - Cloudy - Rainy - Windy )
Temp a meteorological code for upper air soundings
Wind wind speed
Humidity umidity is the amount of water vapor in the air
Barometer used to measure air pressure in a certain environment
visibility the quality or state of being visible, the degree of clearness

Consist of 15 columns and 249023 rows


  • pandas
  • numpy
  • seaborn
  • matplotlib.pyplot
  • pandas_profiling
  • sklearn.model_selection
  • sklearn.linear_model
  • sklearn.preprocessing
  • sklearn.metrics
  • sklearn.metrics
  • sklearn.ensemble
  • sklearn import datasets
  • sklearn.neighbors
  • sklearn.datasets
  • sklearn.tree
  • sklearn.ensemble
  • ipywidgets
  • imblearn.over_sampling
  • imblearn.under_sampling
  • mlxtend.classifier
  • collections
  • wordcloud
  • xgboost
  • warnings


  • python
  • jupyter notebook
  • PowerPoint