
Primary LanguagePython

NTK Empowered Federated Learning

In this paper, we propose a novel federated learning paradigm empowered by the neural tangent kernel (NTK) framework. The paradigm addresses the challenge of statistical heterogeneity by transmitting update data that are more expressive than those of the traditional FL paradigms. Compared to traditional algorithms such as FedAvg, NTK-FL has a more centralized training flavor by transmitting more expressive updates. This repository contains the simulations for the federated learning paradigm.


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

The datasets have been preprocessed under data directory.


Run the example with fashion mnist dataset:

python3 train_fmnist.py

The script will load the configuration file config_fmnist.yaml and data matrices under data/fmnist/.

You can change the dataset, for example, to EMNIST, by modifying the config.yaml to

train_data_dir: data/emnist/digits/train.dat
test_data_dir:  data/emnist/digits/test.dat

Change the Degree of Heterogeneity

The user_with_data files predefine the Dirichlet non-IID partitions [HQB19] with different degrees of heterogeneity. If you want to generate different partitions, you can use the following code snippets:

For each client, sample q~Dir(alpha, p).
alpha = 0.5
num_users = 300
num_classes = 10
num_datapoints = 60000

samples_per_user = int(y_train[:num_datapoints].shape[0]/num_users)
samples_per_class = int(y_train[:num_datapoints].shape[0]/num_classes)
user_dataidx_map = {}

# if balance_trick:
idxs_ascending_labels = np.argsort(y_train[:num_datapoints])
labels_idx_map = np.zeros((num_classes, samples_per_class))
for i in range(num_classes):
    labels_idx_map[i] = idxs_ascending_labels[i*samples_per_class:(i+1)*samples_per_class]
for user_id in range(num_users):
    current_user_dataidx = []
    proportions = np.random.dirichlet(np.repeat(alpha, num_classes))
    histogram = samples_per_user*proportions
    histogram = histogram.astype(np.int)
    for i in range(num_classes):
    user_dataidx_map[user_id] = np.hstack(current_user_dataidx).astype(np.int).flatten()


  title={Neural Tangent Kernel Empowered Federated Learning},
  author={Yue, Kai and Jin, Richeng and Pilgrim, Ryan and Wong, Chau-Wai and Baron, Dror and Dai, Huaiyu},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},