The framework is to effectively verify the existing Platooning management system, VENTOS for the case study of applying fault localization and diagnosis technique on the CPS. The remaining part contains 1) Installation of the StarPlateS framework (ver. JAN 2021).
The first step to use the StarPlateS is installing the VENTOS framework on your device. Because the VENTOS is optimized on the Ubuntu 16.04 64bit, MAC Sierra(10.12), Elcapitan(10.11), and Yosemite(10.10), we strongly recommend you to use one of the OS versions. The following installation steps are based on the Ubuntu 16.04 64bit.
sudo apt-get install git
We downloaded the repository at Desktop to follow the same configuration in the VENTOS manual.
cd ~/Desktop
git clone
You should not execute the "runme" script as sudo/root. It may take 1~2 hour to check and install the essential libraries.
cd VENTOS_Public
There could be an error with downloading "omnetpp-5.4.1-src-linux-tgz" file. In that case, you can download the file at OMNETT++5.4.1, and extract it at Desktop. After that, you can execute "runme" successfully. If you get any other error messages when installing libraries, please refer the VENTOS Issues to solve the error.
If you got the message "finished!" with the following folders and file set at Desktop, the VENTOS installation is finished.
To change the OMNET++ shortcut setting, open the shortcut file.
cd ~/Desktop
gedit ./opensim-ide.desktop
Then, replace the line starting with 'Exec' to the following line:
Exec=bash -i -c '/home/yourid/Desktop/omnetpp-5.4.1/bin/omnetpp;$SHELL'
You don't also need to download the INET framework and OMNET++ programming examples.
- Click "File"-> "Import"
- Choose "General"-> "Existing Projects into Workspace" and click "Next" button
- Select VENTOS_Public folder as root directory and click "Finish"
- (Unselect the "Coply projects into workspace" if the VENTOS folder is already in your workspace.)
- Click "Run Configurations" which is just next to the "Run" button
- Choose OMNET++ Simulation and generate new configuration
- Set "Working dir" to /VENTOS/examples/platoon_cacc
- Choose omnetpp.ini in "ini file(s)" and CACCVehicleStream1 in "Config name"
- Click "Apply" and "Run"
If it runs with SUMO gui, there would be no problem on installing the VENTOS framework. If there is any error, please check whether you thoroughly follow the above steps.
As you know there are various kinds of tools that make you convenient in developing code. We select the Intellij IDE as our default IDE, because 1) our framework is an wrap-up software of VENTOS using Java, 2) we use abstract verification module from SIMVA-SoS framework which is implemented in Java. We think that there is no problem on using other tools, such as Eclipse, Vim, etc.
When installing the VENTOS_Public, java 8 is installed, but it is not jdk, but jre. To use StarPlateS, you need to download Java jdk 8.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
javac -version
If you get the above message, jdk 1.8 is successfully installed in your Ubuntu.
When opening the Intellij IDE, please open it by console, not use shotcut icon on the menu. Please refer the following figure.
- Click "File" -> "Open" -> VENTOS_Public
If you get SDK error in Intellij, please execute the following steps
- Click "File" -> "Project Structure" -> "SDKs" in Platform Settings
- Add new JDK at /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64, which is a common location of the jdk.
- Click "Project" in Project Settings and set your SDK to java 1.8
If you have any problem on repository confliciting between this and ManiAm/VENTOS_Public, please change your origin url to this repository.
In Intellij console,
- Check the current origin url
git remote -v
- Change the url to this repository
git remote set-url origin
- Check the current origin url again
git remote -v
Or, You can add the following url "" in the "VCS" -> "Git" -> "Remotes"
Pull the latest code from github
You can check the execution logs at "VENTOS_Public/examples/platoon_SoS/results".
If you get an "Invalid java release error", please change Project language level to 8, which is in "Project Structure" -> "Project". If you get an "Untracked file error", please execute the following codes.
git add -A
git stash
git pull
- Click "File" -> "Open" -> VENTOS_Public
- Go to "Project Structure", click "Import Module", and add SoS_Extension
- Click "Add Configuration" and add "Application" like the following figure
- Click "Run", then it will be executed.
- Import GraphStream libraries, which are in the [SoS_Extension/lib] folder.