The Flight Booking System is a console-based application written in C that allows users to book, manage, and cancel flight reservations. The system also provides an admin mode for managing flights and users. This project is designed to help solve the problem of manual flight booking and reservation management by automating the process.
- Sign Up: New users can create an account by providing their full name, username, and a secure PIN.
- Login: Existing users can log in using their username and PIN.
- Book Flight: Users can browse available flights and book a seat on the flight of their choice.
- View Reservations: Users can view a list of their current reservations.
- Cancel Reservation: Users can cancel a previously booked flight.
- View All Flights: Users can view all available flights sorted by various criteria.
- Login as Admin: The system allows admin users to log in with special credentials.
- Add Flight: Admins can add new flights to the system.
- Update Flight: Admins can update existing flight information.
- Delete Flight: Admins can delete flights from the system.
- View All Users: Admins can view all registered users.
- View Passengers: Admins can view all passengers on a particular flight.
- Search for Passengers: Admins can search for passengers using various criteria.
- Reinitialize Passengers: Admins can reinitialize the passenger list for a specific flight.
In traditional flight booking systems, managing bookings, flights, and reservations manually is time-consuming and prone to errors. This system addresses these issues by automating the following tasks:
User Management: The system securely manages user accounts and login credentials, allowing users to book flights and manage their reservations effortlessly.
Flight Management: Admins can efficiently manage flights, update flight details, and ensure that all flights are up-to-date and accurately represented in the system.
Reservation Management: The system allows users to view, book, and cancel reservations in a few simple steps, making the entire process smooth and user-friendly.
- Clone the Repository: Start by cloning the repository to your local machine.
- Compile the Program: Use a C compiler like
or CODEBLOCS editor to compile the source code. the user name and password is daniel and daniel - Run the Program: Execute the compiled program to start the Flight Booking System.
- Navigate the Menu: Follow the on-screen instructions to navigate through the user or admin modes.
This project aims to provide a simple yet functional flight booking system for users and administrators. It helps solve the problem of managing flight bookings in a small-scale environment where a web-based system might be unnecessary or too complex. The program stores all user and flight data in files, making it easy to manage and update.
- Flight Search: Implement a flight search feature allowing users to find flights based on specific criteria.
- Seat Management: Include seat selection and availability features for a more detailed booking process.
- Enhanced Security: Improve the security of user data with encryption and more complex login mechanisms.
- GUI Implementation: Extend the program with a graphical user interface (GUI) for a more user-friendly experience.
Developed by: Kambale Ngununu Daniel
- Email:
- Phone: (+250) 783575014