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- Installation
- Role Variables
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ansible-galaxy install kami911.linux-ad
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
linux_ad_manage_firewalld: true
Role manages the firewalld settings of required ports.
linux_ad_authconfig_debug_mode: false
Use authconfig debug mode.
linux_ad_authconfig_debug_level: 3
Set authconfig debug level.
linux_ad_authconfig_domain: ''
Set authconfig (FQDN) domain name.
linux_ad_authconfig_realm: 'CLOUD.DEPARTMENT.CA'
Set authconfig realm name.
linux_ad_authconfig_computer_ou: 'ou=computers,dc=cloud,dc=department,dc=ca'
Set the Active Directory path to computers organization unit.
linux_ad_authconfig_windomain: 'EXAMPLECOM'
Set authconfig Windows domain name.
linux_ad_authconfig_sssd_user: 'admin'
Specify an already existing domain user that has 'add computer to domain' rights.
linux_ad_authconfig_sssd_pass: 'pass'
Specify the password of that domain user.
linux_ad_authconfig_access_groups: []
An array/list of groups that have access to the host.
linux_ad_authconfig_access_users: []
An array/list of users that have access to the host.
linux_ad_ansible_distribution_major_version: '{{ ansible_lsb.major_release|int }}'
Specify the main version of your Linux OS if something gets wrong and the version is not available.
linux_ad_ad_info_ad_server: ''
linux_ad_ad_info_ad_backup_server: ''
Specify the primary and a backup Active Directory login server.
linux_ad_rejoin: false
Try to rejoint to the Active Directory via deleting /etc/krb5.keytab file. Default is false.
linux_ad_home_dir: '/home/%d/%u'
Home directory of the user. Additionally you can use these variables: %u -login name %U - UID number %d - domain name %f - fully qualified user name (user@domain)) %% - %.
linux_ad_shell: '/bin/bash'
Shell to use for freshly created users.
linux_ad_use_fq_username: true
Use fully qualified name for login name. When false you can login with username, when tru you can login with username@domain_name
- '/home/{{ linux_ad_authconfig_domain }}'
If you not using /home/%s as home directory, the script have to create all of required domains subdirectory (in this example case /home/ Please list all possible domains here.
linux_ad_home_dir_user: 'root'
The user of the newly created subhome directory.
linux_ad_home_dir_group: 'root'
The group of the newly created subhome directory.
linux_ad_home_dir_mode: 755
The mode of the newly created subhome directory.
- file: linux_ad
host: ALL
runas: ALL
ugid: '%Enterprise\ Admins'
nopasswd: true
- 'ALL'
Create sudoers file with these parameters. The file is filename of the created file in sudoers.d.
- hosts: all
- linux-ad
The lactransformer application and documantations are licensed under the terms of the MIT / BSD, you will find a copy of this license in the LICENSE file included in the source package.
This role was created in 2019-2020 by Kálmán Szalai - KAMI based on work of William Hearn (
If you have any question, do not hesitate and drop me a line. If you found a bug, or have a feature request, you can fill an issue.
git submodule add --force roles/linux-ad
Update only this submodule
git submodule update --remote roles/linux-ad/
Update all submodules:
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
There are many ways to contribute to ansible-role-linux-ad -- whether it be sending patches, testing, reporting bugs, or reviewing and updating the documentation. Every contribution is appreciated!
Please continue reading in the contributing chapter.
Add a new remote upstream
with this repository as value.
git remote add upstream
You can pull updates to your fork's master branch:
git fetch --all
git pull upstream HEAD
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