
This repository show the implementation of Path Tracking using Pure Pursuit and MPC Algorithm in Autonomous Mobile Robot

Primary LanguageC++

Path Tracking in ROS using Pure Pursuit & MPC Algorithm


This repository implements two different algorithms for path tracking in ROS: Model Predictive Control (MPC) and Pure Pursuit. Both algorithms are designed to guide a robot along a predefined path while maintaining stability and accuracy.


Path tracking is an essential capability for autonomous mobile robots, enabling them to follow a desired trajectory accurately. This repository provides a ROS-based implementation of two popular path tracking algorithms:

  • Model Predictive Control (MPC)
  • Pure Pursuit


  • Model Predictive Control (MPC): Uses a mathematical model to predict the future states of the robot (based on horizontal horizon) and optimize control inputs accordingly.
  • Pure Pursuit: A geometric algorithm that computes the necessary steering angle to reach a lookahead point on the path.
  • PID Controller: Used to control linear velocity of the robot.
  • ROS Integration: Fully integrated with ROS for real-time operation.
  • Dynamic Reconfigure: Allows runtime parameter tuning.


  • System Requirements:
  • This repo depends on the following standard ROS pkgs:
    • roscpp
    • rospy
    • rviz
    • std_msgs
    • nav_msgs
    • geometry_msgs
    • visualization_msgs
    • tf2
    • tf2_ros
    • tf2_eigen
    • tf2_geometry_msgs
    • gazebo_ros
    • jsk_rviz_plugins
    • jackal_gazebo
    • jackal_navigation
    • velodyne_simulator
    • dynamic_reconfigure

Building the Package (Installation)

This repo is a ros workspace, containing two rospkgs:

  • me5413_world the main pkg containing the gazebo world, source code, and the launch files
  • jackal_description contains the modified jackal robot model descriptions
  1. Build ROS workspace and Clone the repository:

    mkdir ~catkin_ws/src -p
    cd catkin_ws/src
    git clone https://github.com/KAN201197/Path_Tracking.git
    cd ..
    rosdep update
    rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
  2. Build the package using catkin_make:

    cd ~/catkin_ws
    source devel/setup.bash


Running the Nodes

  1. Launch the ROS master:

  2. In a new terminal, launch the gazebo world:

    roslaunch me5413_world world.launch


  3. In a new terminal, launch the MPC path tracker:

    roslaunch me5413_world path_tracking_MPC.launch
  4. If you want to run other path tracking algorithm, launch the Pure Pursuit path tracker:

    roslaunch me5413_world path_tracking.launch

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The dynamic reconfigure server allows you to adjust parameters at runtime. You can use rqt_reconfigure to tune the following parameters:

  • speed_target: Desired speed of the robot.
  • robot_length: Length of the robot for kinematic modeling.
  • PID_Kp, PID_Ki, PID_Kd: PID controller gains.
  • lookahead_distance: Distance to the lookahead point.