
18k obs & 14 vars cleaned and manipulated for EDA, assumption tests, PP, WO, Ljung-Box, and forecasting (ETS & ARIMA) for avocado prices in the US and Houston.

Primary LanguageR

Houston’s Avocado Prices EDA & Forecast – R

Time-series EDA + Forecast

18k obs & 14 vars cleaned and manipulated for EDA, assumption tests, PP test, WO test, Ljung-box test, and forecasting (ETS & ARIMA) for avocado prices in the US and Houston.






the Hass Avocado Board n.d., How to Identify Hass Avocadoes, viewed 18 June 2021, 2021,https://loveonetoday.com/how-to/identify-hass-avocados/

Overview of Avocado Datasets n.d., viewed 18 June 2021, https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/avocado/vignettes/a_intro.html

Russell M 2020, Avocado New Zealand avocado returns high despite COVID-19 affected season, viewed 18 June 2021, https://www.freshplaza.com/article/9233181/new-zealand-avocado-returns-high-despite-covid-19-affected-season/