
Variations of minimax risk classifiers with different loss functions

Primary LanguagePython


Different variations of minimax risk classifiers(MRC) using different loss functions and uncertainity set of distributions.

The variants available here are -

  1. MRC with 0-1 loss (MRC.py)
  2. MRC with log loss (MRC.py)
  3. MRC with 0-1 loss and fixed instances' marginals (CMRC.py)
  4. MRC with log loss and fixed instances' marginals (CMRC.py)


Generic badge
We will need have installed the following libraries:

  • numpy
  • sklearn
  • cvxpy

We can install the requirements directly from the file "requirements.txt"

pip install -r requirements.txt


Fitting the models

MRC with 0-1 loss

clf = MRC(r=r, loss='0-1').fit(X, Y)

MRC with log loss

clf = MRC(r=r, loss='log').fit(X, Y)

MRC with 0-1 loss and fixed instances' marginals

clf = CMRC(r=r, loss='0-1').fit(X, Y)

MRC with log loss and fixed instances' marginals

clf = CMRC(r=r, loss='log').fit(X, Y)

A small training example of MRC

from MRC import MRC
from datasets import load_mammographic

X, Y = load_mammographic(return_X_y=True)
r = len(np.unique(Y))
clf = MRC(r=r).fit(X, Y)
y_pred = clf.predict(X[:2,:])

Bounds on the error for MRC

clf = MRC(r=r).fit(X, Y)
upper_bound = clf.upper
lower_bound = clf.getLowerBound()

Only available for the MRC class

Setting the interval estimates while fitting

Using instances X_ and Y_ to calculate tau and lambda

clf = MRC(r=r).fit(X, Y, X_, Y_)

By passing the values for tau and lambda

clf = MRC(r=r).fit(X, Y, _tau=0.5, _lambda=0.1)