
This project used Spring-Boot, Spring Security and Thymeleaf.

Primary LanguageJava

Simple Library Management System

  • View on Herkoku

  • Login as Admin username: merve password: test123

  • Login as User username: bilal password: test123

Application features:

This project is a simple library management application. Book promotion within the application (book title, book sub-name, book series name, author, publishing house, isbn number, description), author promotion (Author Name, Description), publisher promotion (Publisher Name, Description). More than one book can be defined for an author. More than one book can be defined for a publishing house. Search by title, Series title, Author or ISBN. A record can be modified, can be reviewed or can be deleted.

Used technologies:

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring Security
  • H2 Database
  • Thymeleaf template pages


For building and running the application you need:

  • JDK 1.8 or newer
  • Lombok
  • Maven

Login Page


Home Page




Add Book

Book Add

Authors Page


Publishers Page


Referenced articles