
Wordlist Generator For Bruteforcing and Fuzzing

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Word Permutations and Combinations Generator

This script is intended for generating a wordlist based on some specific words.


  • Generate permutations and combinations of words.
  • Insert specified symbols into words at all possible or user-defined positions.
  • Output results to a file or print to console.


  • Python 3.x


Command-Line Arguments

  • -w, --wordsfile: File containing words, one per line.
  • -p, --permutations: Comma-separated words (spaces allowed).
  • -min, --minlen: Minimum length of combinations (default: 1).
  • -max, --maxlen: Maximum length of combinations.
  • -o, --output: Output file to save results.
  • -s, --symbols: Symbols to insert into words.
  • --positions: Comma-separated list of positions (0-based) to insert symbols.


  1. python3 mycrunch.py -w words.txt -min 1 -max 1 -s @#$ --positions 0,2 -o output.txt
  2. python3 mycrunch.py -p alex, 3234, boom, 2004, aflek_justin -min 2 -max 5 -s @^&

This project is inspired by crunch and is a simpler version of it for this specific use