

Primary LanguageJavaScript

cf lab-02-tools-and-context

To Submit this Assignment

  • fork this repository & create a new branch for your work
  • write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-duncan
  • push to your repository
  • submit a pull request to this repository
  • submit a link to your PR in canvas
  • write a question and observation on canvas


  • make a lib and test directory
  • add your own .gitignore
  • include a package.json
  • include the standard .eslintrc
  • make a lint script for running eslint
  • make a test script for running mocha
  • make a lib/fp.js for holding the following methods
    • create stand alone map, filter, reduce, concat, and splice using call, bind, and apply
    • the standlone functions should have the signature (array, ...args) => array
  • make a CLI index.js that will use your new map function to UpperCase all command line args and print them to the screen


  • Write two tests for each method in lib/fp.js

Bonus 1pt

  • Test your CLI index.js


  • Correct Submission: 2pts
  • Passes eslint: 2Pts
  • Package.json: 3pts
  • Scripts & Tests: 3pts
  • Stretch: 2pts