

Primary LanguageJavaScript

401 JS -- Lab 28 Todo

Submission Instructions

  • Work in a fork of this repository
  • Work in a branch on your fork
  • Write all of your code in a directory named lab- + <your name> e.g. lab-duncan
  • Submit a pull request to this repository
  • Submit a link to your pull request on canvas
  • Submit a question, observation, and how long you spent on canvas

Learning Objectives

  • Students will learn to create front end routes using react-router-dom
  • Students will learn to restructure their applications into modules
  • Students will learn the difference between view state and application state
  • Students will learn to lift application state to better control one way data flow
  • Students will learn to create and import sass partials



Your lab directory must include

  • README.md -- with a documention about your lab
  • .babelrc -- with all dependencies and dev-dependencies
  • .eslintrc -- with the class .eslintrc file
  • .gitignore -- with a robust gitignore
  • .eslintignore -- with the class .eslintignore
  • yarn.lock -- with the yarn lockfile
  • package.json -- with all dependencies and dev-dependencies
  • webpack.config.js -- with webpack config
  • src/ -- containing the front end code
  • src/main.js -- containing the entire app
  • src/style -- containing your sass
  • src/style/main.scss -- for importing and including reset and base
  • src/style/_vars.scss -- sass variables
  • src/style/_reset.scss -- sass reset
  • src/style/_base.scss -- base styles
  • src/style/_layout.scss -- layout styles

Feature Tasks

Create the following components and structure them according to the following diagram.

App Component
  • The app component should manage the entire application state.
  • The state should contain a notes array
  • each note thats added should have the following data
    • id: allways should contain the result of uuid.v1()
    • editing: false by default
    • completed: false by default
    • content: user provided content
NoteCreateForm Component
  • onSubmit the NoteCreateForm should add a note to the application state
NoteList Component
  • should display an unordered list of NoteItem components
  • should display the notes content
  • should display a delete button
    • onClick the note should be removed from the application state


  • Test NoteCreateForm
    • Test your onChange handler
    • Test your onSubmit handler
  • Test NoteItem
    • Test the NoteItem's functionality defined to remove a note from the App's state


Write a description of the project in your README.md