When a SHA1 isn't enough.

A Nexus Plugin that records more types of digests for artifacts that are uploaded to the server.


  • Maven
  • Java 6
  • Sonatype Public Grid to resolve artifacts - link.


Execute a mvn clean install on the repository to build the plugin. Unzip the built "bundle.zip" (ex: nexus-digests-plugin-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bundle.zip) and copy the output folder to your Nexus installation at $nexus_installation_path/nexus/WEB-INF/plugin-repository/. Restart your Nexus server.


Execute a REST GET to your Nexus at /service/local/artifact/digests with params:

  • g - the group id
  • a - the artifact id
  • v - the version
  • e - the extension
  • r - the repository

Example: http://localhost:8081/nexus/service/local/artifact/digests?g=com.kyle&a=foo&v=1.0.0&e=jar&r=releases

Example Output:


License and Author

Author:: Kyle Allan (KAllan357@gmail.com)