
Калькулятор различий — программа, определяющая разницу между двумя структурами данных. Difference calculator - a program that determines the difference between two data structures.

Primary LanguagePython

Hexlet tests and linter status:

Actions Status Maintainability Test Coverage Python application


Difference calculator - a program that determines the difference between two data structures. This is a popular task, for which there are many online services http://www.jsondiff.com/. A similar mechanism, for example, is used when outputting tests or when automatically tracking changes in configuration files.

Utility features:

  • Support for different input formats: yaml, json
  • Report generation in the form of plain text, stylish and json

Usage example:

$ gendiff --format plain filepath1.json filepath2.yml

Setting "common.setting4" was added with value: False
Setting "group1.baz" was updated. From 'bas' to 'bars'
Section "group2" was removed

How to install:

  • clone repository
  • install poetry
  • use make test
  • use make build
  • pip install dist/hexlet-code-0.1.0.tar.gz

How to use:

  • gendiff -f[optional] <file_path> <file_path>
  • for more gendiff -h or --help

Use an application to find out the difference in two flat json files, format = string: asciicast

Use an application to find out the difference in two nested json files, format = string: asciicast

Use an application to find out the difference in two nested json files, format = plain: asciicast

Use an application to find out the difference in two nested json files, format = json: asciicast