Deep Learning Homework - GAN's n Roses

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Deep Learning Homework - GAN's n Roses

2nd Milestone

The notebook note2img contains the python code which generated the image outputs from .midi files.

The notebook MusicGenerator presents a training executed on a DCGAN. The results of the training (generated images) can be found in the "output" directory. The music.h5 file contains the weights of the trained model

In the "data" directory there are the raw .midi files

In "images" there are the images (with dimension 88x200) which were generated from .midi files.

The images for the second type of encoding mentioned in the documentation can be found at: https://bmeedu-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/attila_kadar_edu_bme_hu/EuD56pClinlIgbZOGPqS-fUBzHP7GMEZNdVkmFlJ5LOPTg?e=UT9JLl