
frequency-counter-darshan-k3 created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

Count frequencies

Sample code

This repository contains some template code in a file called frequencies.py for a function called frequencies, which takes a single argument called items:

def frequencies(items):
    frequencies = {}
    # Your code goes here
    return frequencies

The repository also includes a file with tests called frequencies_test.py. You must not touch this file.


Your assignment in this exercise is to extend the code, such that it produces a dictionary based on the items list. For each item in items, the dictionary must contain a key. If the item is not a string, the key must be the item converted to a string. The value must be a positive integer counting the number of times the item represented by the key occurs in items.

For example, frequencies(['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'b', 'c']) must return the following dictionary: { 'a': 2, 'b': 3, 'c': 1 }

For example, frequencies([100, 'Hello', '100', '100', 100]) must return the following dictionary: { '100': 4, 'Hello': 1 }

How to complete the exercise

To start work on the exercise, find the URL of this repository on GitHub and clone it to your machine with:

$ git clone URL

where URL is the URL of your repository on GitHub. Find the frequencies.py file and complete your solution.

You can test your solution in the development environment by running pytest. From the root of your Python project, simply run

$ pytest

If pytest has not been installed yet, run:

$ pip3 install pytest

I recommend that you test your solution locally, but you do not have to do this. Once your exercise is complete, you need to push your repository with:

$ git push

GitHub will automatically test your solution.