
Twitter Bootstrap-based starter theme for Jekyll.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Jekyll Twitter Bootstrap is a Jekyll theme based on Twitter's Bootstrap framework (currently, version 5.3.0). The intent of this theme is to provide a more thorough starting point for using Jekyll and Bootstrap together.



Add this line to your Jekyll site's Gemfile:

gem "jekyll-twitter-bootstrap"

And add this line to your Jekyll site's _config.yml:

theme: jekyll-twitter-bootstrap

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jekyll-twitter-bootstrap

To launch the local Jekyll server for testing, run:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Alternately, you can run the included server script like this:

$ ./server

You may need to make the server script executable by running $ sudo chmod +x ./server.



The following layouts are available in the _layouts/ directory (indentation denotes child of previous row):

_layouts/ Filename Description
base.html Base HTML template for all pages.
    page_sidebar.html Main content template with sidebar with rendered sidebar includes as specified in the page's front matter. (Layout base.html)
        blog.html Paginated listing of blog posts starting with the most recent and includes Categories and Tags sidebar includes. (Layout page_sidebar.html)
        post.html Single post listing which includes Categories and Tags sidebar includes. (Layout page_sidebar.html)
    page.html Basic page content with rendered title and body only. (Layout base.html)
    page_no_title.html Basic page content with rendered body only. (Layout base.html)
        example_components.html An example layout with components that shows how to call them and what they look like. (Layout page_no_title.html)
        home.html Simply a wrapper for page_no_title.html layout as Jekyll's default pages use the layout: home. (Layout page_no_title.html)


The following includes are available in the _includes/ directory (indentation denotes child of previous row):

_includes/ Filename Description
categories.html Displays linked categories and the post count for each.
footer.html Displays the logo, copyright, and bottom navigation.
    footer_custom.html Empty file used for adding custom content to the end of the footer.
head.html Includes the meta information in the head of the base page.
    google_analytics.html Includes the Google Analytics (GA) code, which is visible if the GA tracking ID is provided in _config.yml and if the page being rendered does not have the following front matter value: ga_do_not_track: true
    head_custom.html Empty file used for adding custom content to the end of the head.
header.html Displays the header image and top navigation.
    header_custom.html Empty file used for adding custom content to the end of the header.
post_categories.html Displays a list of linked post titles by category.
post_tags.html Displays a list of linked post titles by tag.
tags.html Displays linked tags and the post count for each.
posts_latest.html Displays excerpts of the last N posts as specified in the include parameter posts_count. See below for usage.

_includes/posts_latest.html Usage

You can show excerpts of the N latest posts, sorted by most recent first, by using the posts_latest.html include as shown below. Change the value assigned to posts_count to alter the number of most recent posts displayed. Omitting a value for posts_count will result in all posts being displayed.

For example, to add the two most recent posts to your home page's markdown, add this below:

## Recent Posts

{% include posts_latest.html posts_count=2 %}


Components are pre-built mini-templates to which you can pass values for rendering more advanced page elements. The _layouts/example_components.html layout shows how to call them. To see these examples, you can specify the example_components layout a page's front matter like this: layout: example_components

The following components are based on the Twitter Bootstrap examples and are available in the _includes/_components/ directory:

_includes/_components/ Filename Description
carousel.html Provides three rotating slides with title, body, and linkable button for each.
columns_icons.html Displays up to three icons, titles, bodies, and clickable links in three-column layout.
columns_icons_grid.html Displays up to eight hanging icons, titles, and bodies in two-row, four-column layout.
columns_icons_hanging.html Displays up to three small hanging icons, titles, bodies, and linkable buttons in three-column layout.
columns_image_cards.html Displays up to three cards with full image backgrounds including a title and clickable button in three-column layout.
featurette_left.html Displays a full-width title, tagline, and body on the left with an image on the right.
featurette_right.html Displays a full-width title, tagline, and body on the right with an image on the left.
hero_centered.html Displays a full-width centered title, body, and two optional linked buttons.
hero_centered_dark.html Displays a full-width centered title, body, and two optional linked buttons on a dark background.
hero_image_right.html Displays a full-width title, body, and two optional linked buttons on the left with an image on the right.
jumbotron_full.html Displays a full-width jumbotron card with title, body, and two optional linked buttons.
jumbotron_split.html Displays two half-width jumbotron cards each with title, body, and a linked button.


The assets/ directory contains the following content for use in the examples and defaults provided (indentation denotes child of previous row):

assets/ Filename Description
css/ CSS files for overriding and/or extending Twitter Bootstrap's default CSS which is loaded via CDN (see _includes/head.html).
images/ Static images (JPG, GIF, PNG, etc.) used on the site including those for examples and defaults.
    favicons/ Files used for favicons on the site including those for examples and defaults.
svg/ Scalable Vector Graphics (SVGs) used on the site including those for examples and defaults.

Blog and Posts

This theme includes layouts and includes for:

Type Description Paginated Source
All posts listing All blog posts listed in descending chronological order. Yes `blog/index.html
Individual post listing A single blog post. No _layouts/post.html
Posts listed by category All blog posts, grouped by Category, listed in descending chronological order. No categories/index.html
Posts listed by tag All blog posts, grouped by Tag, listed in descending chronological order. No tags/index.html

All of those layouts ultimately use the _layouts/page_sidebar.html with Categories and Tags in the sidebar. To render components in the sidebar, add the name of the _include/ template to your page's front matter like this:

  - categories
  - tags

To leverage this theme's blogging functionality, you'll need to create the following files in your site's structure:

File Contents Purpose
blog/index.html See blog/index.html Renders the main blog listing.
categories/index.html See categories/index.html Renders the main blog listing by category.
tags/index.html See tags/index.html Renders the main blog listing by tag.


The theme's _config.yml file is well documented and contains typical Jekyll theme configuration values as well as some specific to the Jekyll Twitter Bootstrap theme. The _config.yml file includes inline comments to explain intent, default values, and usage. Please view the _config.yml file for more information regarding site and theme configuration.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/KCarlile/jekyll-twitter-bootstrap. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


To set up your environment to develop this theme, run bundle install.

Your theme is setup just like a normal Jekyll site! To test your theme, run bundle exec jekyll serve and open your browser at http://localhost:4000. This starts a Jekyll server using your theme. Add pages, documents, data, etc. like normal to test your theme's contents. As you make modifications to your theme and to your content, your site will regenerate and you should see the changes in the browser after a refresh, just like normal.

When your theme is released, only the files in _layouts, _includes, _sass and assets tracked with Git will be bundled. To add a custom directory to your theme-gem, please edit the regexp in jekyll-twitter-bootstrap.gemspec accordingly.


  • Q: Why use Bootstrap with Jekyll?

    • A: Bootstrap provides a lot of easy utilities for formatting without having to write a lot of your own custom CSS. It's ease of use makes it a great starting point for basic sites. Combining the power of Bootstrap and Jekyll means you can get your site up and running faster while still being able to customize it as needed.
  • Q: This isn't the only Bootstrap-based theme for Jekyll. What about those other ones?

    • A: At the time of creation, the other Bootstrap-based Jekyll themes didn't have the level of maturity needed or they were based on older versions of Bootstrap.
  • Q: If I want my posts to be referred to as Articles (or something else) instead of Blog, how can I make that change?

    • A: There are a few steps necessary to change your post listing name from Blog to something else.
      • Rename blog/index.html to articles/index.html
      • In articles/index.html, change the name of the page from "Blog" to "Articles":
        # title: Blog
        title: Articles
        layout: blog
          - categories
          - tags
        The layout can remain named blog unless you really want to override and rename the layout.
      • In your _config.yml file, change these lines from blog to article:
        # Add pages here to explicitly appear in this order in your navigation.
          # - blog/index.html
          - articles/index.html
        # paginate_path: "/blog/:num"
        paginate_path: "/articles/:num"
        # Define the post permalink format.
        #permalink: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:title:output_ext
        permalink: /articles/:year/:month/:day/:title:output_ext


The theme is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.