
A framework for designing python tools using UML and graphviz.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A framework for designing python tools using UML and graphviz.


In order to render diagrams, you must have Graphviz >= 2.40.1 installed. If you only wish to use this library to generate .dot files, there is no need to install any external dependencies. You can install Graphviz by visiting https://graphviz.org/download/ or by running:

apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y graphviz || yum install -y graphviz || dnf install -y graphviz || brew install -y graphviz


The following code can be used to generate a .dot file compatible with Graphviz. Use Graphviz to render diagrams into several formats from a .dot file.


Render the following diagram (requires Graphviz) by running:

dot -Tpng -o docs/source/diagrams/simple_example.png docs/source/diagrams/simple_example.dot

Example Diagram


from pyviz import uml, Graph

Country = uml.UMLClass(
    "Country", properties=[uml.UMLProperty("name", "str"), uml.UMLProperty("population", "int")]
IPerson = uml.UMLClass(
    "IPerson", properties=[uml.UMLProperty("name", "str"), uml.UMLProperty("age", "int")]
Citizen = uml.UMLClass("Citizen", properties=[])


g = Graph(label="Test Graph")
g.add_nodes([Country, IPerson, Citizen])


Generated Dot File

digraph g {
	label="Test Graph"

	// Objects
	Country [label=< {<B>Country</B>
			<BR/><BR/>name: <FONT COLOR="mediumseagreen">str</FONT>
			<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>population: <FONT COLOR="mediumseagreen">int</FONT>
	} > shape="record"];

	IPerson [label=< {<B>IPerson</B>
			<BR/><BR/>name: <FONT COLOR="mediumseagreen">str</FONT>
			<BR ALIGN="LEFT"/>age: <FONT COLOR="mediumseagreen">int</FONT>
	} > shape="record"];

	Citizen [label=< {<B>Citizen</B>
	} > shape="record"];

	// Dependencies
	edge [style=dashed]

	Country -> Citizen;

	// Inheritance
	edge [style=dashed arrowhead=empty]

	Citizen -> IPerson;