Web Developments Projects

Welcome to my web development projects, where I post various solutions to challlenges or projects I've done.

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This repository contains solutions of projects from various web development challenges across several websites that provide web development or coding challenges and also my own web development projects that I develop from scratch.

Links of sites I use to get challenges.

These are various links of websites I usually get coding challenges from.

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup.
  • CSS.
  • Javascript.
  • Mobile-first workflow and responsive design approach.
  • Css, Javascript libraries and Frameworks.
  • Python.
  • And other programming languages if the project requires it.

Continued development

I'm looking forward to mastering the fundamentals and advanced concepts of web development.

I also have an eye on artificial intelligence, and will work with it sooner than later, excitingly python has proven to be more easier than C programming language, I guess it shouldn't take me long to get my fingers around it.

Resources I use when building projects
