
Visualization and analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data by alternative clustering

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

System requirements

  • Software dependencies:
    • Windows/Linux/Mac OS (tested on Windows 10)
    • R (>=4.0.0; tested on 4.3.1)
    • Seurat (>=5.0.0; tested on 5.0.0)



Dataset Item File
Implementation of BCD for Seurat bcd_seurat.R
BCD and Euclidean simulation.Rmd/nb.html
Simulation Seurat integration simulation_seurat_integration.Rmd/nb.html
Harmony simulation_harmony_integration.Rmd/nb.html
BCD and Euclidean gse118614_10x_all.Rmd/nb.html
Retina Seurat integration gse118614_10x_all_seurat_integration.Rmd/nb.html
Harmony gse118614_10x_all_harmony_integration.Rmd/nb.html
BCD and Euclidean gse145926.Rmd/nb.html
Covid-19 Seurat integration gse145926-seurat-integration.Rmd/nb.html
Harmony gse145926-harmony.Rmd/nb.html
BCD and Euclidean lung.Rmd/nb.html
Lung Seurat integration lung_seurat_integration.Rmd/nb.html
Harmony lung_harmony_integration.Rmd/nb.html


Processed data for the Lung example can be found here.