
Seeed Studio WIO RE-Terminal

Primary LanguageC++

Seeed Studio WIO Terminal Programs

This repository contains multiple programs written for the Seeed Studio WIO Terminal. These programs were developed with the assistance of ChatGPT-4 and Adam Figueroa.

Programs Included:

Analog Clock with NTP Synchronization (WIO_NTP_Analog.ino)

An analog clock display on the Wio Terminal using the TFT_eSPI library.

The clock syncs with an NTP server to display the current time accurately. It includes features like: Hour, minute, and second hands. Automatic synchronization with NTP every 5 minutes. Status indicators for NTP sync success, failure, and in-progress. Digital Clock with NTP Synchronization (WIO_NTP_Digital.ino)

A digital clock display on the Wio Terminal using the TFT_eSPI library.

It syncs with an NTP server to display the current time accurately. Features include: Time and date display. Automatic synchronization with NTP every 5 minutes. Status indicators for NTP sync success, failure, and in-progress. Self-Playing Pong Game (BounceBallWioJoyStick.ino)

A self-playing Pong game developed for the Arduino platform.

The game features dynamic difficulty adjustment and smooth gameplay on the Wio Terminal. AI-controlled paddles. Dynamic ball speed.

Graphical Art Generator (WIO-Wifi-Matrix.ino)

A program that generates random graphical art using mathematical formulas on the Wio Terminal's TFT display. The art changes dynamically, providing an endless array of visual patterns.

Life Simulation (WIO-Life.ino)

An implementation of Conway's Game of Life on the Wio Terminal. It simulates cellular automata on the screen. Random initial state. Dynamic updates showing the evolution of cells.

Lux Meter (WIO_Terminal_LuxMeter.ino)

A lux meter using the Wio Terminal and a light sensor. It measures the ambient light level and displays it on the screen. Real-time light intensity measurement. Graphical representation of light levels.

WiFi Matrix Display (WIO-Wifi-Matrix.ino)

This project demonstrates matrix multiplication using an 8x8 matrix and displays the results on a TFT screen. The randomness for generating the matrices is derived from the RSSI values of scanned Wi-Fi networks.


Developed by ChatGPT-4 with the help of Adam Figueroa.