
Java IMBE audio decoder

Primary LanguageXSLT

Copyright (C) 2015 Dennis Sheirer

jmbe - Java Multi-Band Excitation library

Audio conversion library for decoding MBE encoded audio frames.

Currently supports conversion of IMBE 144-bit/20 millisecond audio frames to 48 kHz 16-bit mono PCM encoded audio.


This source code is provided for educational purposes only. It is a written description of how certain voice encoding/decoding algorithms could be implemented. Executable objects compiled or derived from this package may be covered by one or more patents. Readers are strongly advised to check for any patent restrictions or licensing requirements before compiling or using this source code.

Note: this patent notice is verbatim from the mbelib library README at https://github.com/szechyjs/mbelib

MBE and IMBE trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Easy downloading and compiling the library for end-users

Download the jmbe_builder.zip or jmbe_builder.tar.gz from the RELEASEs tab

Compiling and using the Library

1. Install the Java 7 (or higher) Java Development Kit (JDK). Note: this is
different from the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) that most users have 
installed on their computers.


2. Install Apache Ant 


3.  Ensure that ANT_HOME and JAVA_HOME environment variables are defined
for your operating system as described in ant installation manual.  Ensure
that the ant.bat program is added to your path so that you can execute the 
program in any directory.

4.  Checkout/clone a copy of the jmbe library.

5.  In the build folder (jmbe/build) execute the command 'ant'.  This will
compile and build all products and place them in the jmbe/library folder.

6.  Place the compiled library (jmbe-x.x.x.jar) on the classpath of your
java program or in the same directory as your java program, so that can be 
discovered at runtime. 

Third-Party libraries

JMBE uses a third-party logging library and the JTransforms FFT library. 
These libraries are not included in the default output products in order to 
avoid conflicts when the same libraries are used in your program.

If you want to include these libraries in the compiled jmbe library so that
you don't have to include it yourself, you can use the ant build target:  
ant create-library-with-third-party-libs

Libraries used by jbme:
Simple Logging Facade for Java: http://www.slf4j.org/

JTransforms FFT: https://sites.google.com/site/piotrwendykier/software/jtransforms

Using the JMBE audio conversion library in your own java program

1. Run the ant task 'create-interface' to generate the generic audio converter 
interfaces library and place the library on your class path.

2. Add the following code to your program

	AudioConversionLibrary library = null;
	AudioConverter converter = null;
		Class temp = Class.forName( "jmbe.JMBEAudioLibrary" );
		library = (AudioConversionLibrary)temp.newInstance();

		converter = library.getAudioConverter( "IMBE", 
				AudioFormats.PCM_SIGNED_48KHZ_16BITS );
		mCanConvertAudio = ( converter != null );
	catch ( ClassNotFoundException e1 )
		mLog.error( "Couldn't find/load JMBE audio conversion library", e1 );
	catch ( InstantiationException e1 )
		mLog.error( "Couldn't instantiate JMBE audio conversion library class" );
	catch ( IllegalAccessException e1 )
		mLog.error( "Couldn't load JMBE audio conversion library due to security restrictions" );

3. To convert 18-byte IMBE audio frames, use the following code:

	if( converter != null )
		float[] convertedAudio = converter.decode( imbeFrame );