
A big launcher giving you easy access to any installed apps and skills. Controllable via voice or TV remote.

This project is using various open-source components like Plasma Bigscreen, Mycroft AI and libcec.

Voice Control

Bigscreen supports Mycroft AI, a free and open-source voice assistant that can be run completely decentralized on your own server.

Remote control your TV via CEC

CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) is a standard to control devices over HDMI. Use your normal TV remote control, or a RC with built-in microphone for voice control and optional mouse simulation.

Voice apps

Download new apps (aka skills) for your Bigscreen or add your own ones for others to enjoy.

Test on a development machine

It is recommended to use kdesrc-build to build this from source. See this page in order to set it up. Note that kdesrc-build doesn't automatically build plasma-nano and plasma-settings, so make sure to also build that before you run the shell.

Click here to see dependencies

KDE Plasma Dependencies

KDE KF5 dependencies

  • Activities
  • ActivitiesStats
  • Plasma
  • I18n
  • Kirigami2
  • KCMUtils
  • Notifications
  • PlasmaQuick
  • KIO
  • Wayland
  • WindowSystem
  • KDEConnect

Qt dependencies

  • Quick
  • Core
  • Qml
  • DBus
  • Network

Optional dependencies

The following can be installed for extra functionality but are not required to build or run:

To start the Bigscreen homescreen in a window, run:

QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland dbus-run-session kwin_wayland "plasmashell -p org.kde.plasma.mycroft.bigscreen"