This is a template of a system I built to handle very simple account tracking. I built it because Quickbooks could not cost-effectively handle a sole member consulting business with income and expenses in multiple countries and currencies and payment services.
This software is not intended to perform all the tasks and reporting of a full accounting system. For example, it does not track transfers among business acounts or credit card payments. It only provides reports on a cash (not accrual) basis. All data entry is performed manually in Excel because I have very few monthly transactions (and Quickbooks was getting more than half of them wrong).
The application reads a user uploaded Excel file of accounting data to provide (1) visual summaries of income and expenses and (2) an opportunity to download a profit and loss report.
I've provided an example input file AccountReportApp/Data/Demo_Accounts.xlsx. The Shiny application reads data from the first three sheets. These sheets are:
- Income: includes income from all sources, all currencies
- Expenses: includes expenses of all types, all currencies
- Clients: currently not used in the app or report
I've included an example report template AccountReportApp/Templates/YearToDate_Account_Report.Rmd. The app includes code to use this template to generate an MS Word document summarizing income and expenses in the general format of my Quickbooks Profit & Loss report. The default name of the generated report is YTD_Report.doc and the user has the opportunity to rename and save the file wherever they choose.