
Student project #9 - Develop a secure CRM with Django & Django REST

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Develop a secure CRM with Django & Django REST

This student project is the #9 of my training.
You can follow the previous here and next one here.

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Built With
  3. Installation
  4. Usage
  5. Tests
  6. License
  7. Contact

About The Project

🌱 Developped skills

  • Develop the architecture of a relational database with domain-driven design approach.
  • Implement a secure database with Django ORM and PostgreSQL.

πŸ“– Scenario

I work as a software developer at Epic Events, an event management and consulting company that caters to the needs of startups wanting to throw "epic parties" πŸŽ‰.
Internally, most of my work consists of managing the company's outdated customer relationship management (CRM) software, which tracks all clients and events.

πŸŒ„ One morning, I get an email from my manager:
"The vendor we were using for our CRM has been hacked ! What's worse, the integrity of some of Epic Events' customer information has been compromised, which is a serious problem for the company, as many customers are considering other providers ⚠."

Solution: Develop a secure CRM system in-house and I'm responsible for the first version.

🚧 πŸš€ Project goal & deliverable

Design an entity-relationship diagram (ERD) with domain-driven design (DDD) approach and develop the corresponding Django application with a PostgreSQL database.

The Django application must provide a set of secure API endpoints using the Django REST framework to allow CRUD operations (create, read, update and delete) applied to the various CRM objects.

✍🏻 Create a simple front-end interface using the Django administration site, which will allow authorized users to manage the application, access all models and check the database configuration.

For security:

  • Prevent SQL injection.
  • Guarantee authentication.
  • Security misconfigurations.
  • Logging and monitoring.

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Built With

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  1. Install Python ;
  2. Clone the project in desired directory ;
    git clone https://github.com/KDerec/CRM_epic_events.git
  3. Change directory to project folder ;
    cd path/to/CRM_epic_events
  4. Create a virtual environnement (More detail to Creating a virtual environment) ;
    • For Windows :
      python -m venv env
    • For Linux :
      python3 -m venv env
  5. Activate the virtual environment ;
    • For Windows :
    • For Linux :
      source env/bin/activate
  6. Install package of requirements.txt ;
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Install PostgreSQL
  8. Open pgAdmin4
  9. Click server -> Databases and right click to create a Database ;
  1. Add "crmEpicEventsDb" to Database name, click on Save button and the database is created ;
  1. In CRM_epic_events/crm/crm/settings.py at line 85, change password by your PostgreSQL user password
  2. Change directory to project folder ;
cd path/to/CRM_epic_events/crm
  1. Run migrate ;
python manage.py migrate
  1. Now, you have two choices:
    1. Add example data to the database using the command below :
    python manage.py loaddata example_data.json
    1. Or create your own content and for this, you need to create a superuser with :
    python manage.py createsuperuser
  2. Run server and log in with the created superuser or see usage with example data if you loaded the data of example_data.json ;
python manage.py runserver

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Python installation

  1. Install Python. If you are using Linux or macOS, it should be available on your system already. If you are a Windows user, you can get an installer from the Python homepage and follow the instructions to install it:

    • Go to python.org
    • Under the Download section, click the link for Python "3.xxx".
    • At the bottom of the page, click the Windows Installer link to download the installer file.
    • When it has downloaded, run it.
    • On the first installer page, make sure you check the "Add Python 3.xxx to PATH" checkbox.
    • Click Install, then click Close when the installation has finished.
  2. Open your command prompt (Windows) / terminal (macOS/ Linux). To check if Python is installed, enter the following command (this should return a version number.):

    python -V
    # If the above fails, try:
    python3 -V
    # Or, if the "py" command is available, try:
    py -V

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With the example data

All the password are "changemepassword", except for the admin for whom it's "admin". List of usernames with different roles and with wich you can log in :

  • admin
  • manager_user
  • sales_user
  • sales_user_two
  • support_user
  • support_user_two

The example data add two clients, two events and two contracts with one event + contract by clients.

Website in action


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Tests are done with unitest using TestCase and APIClient from Django and Django Rest Framework. To run test :

  1. Change directory to project folder ;
    cd path/to/CRM_epic_events/crm
  2. Execute command below ;
    python manage.py test tests.tests_api.test_accounts_api
  3. (Optional) Run the command below to run a particular test, for example, test_accounts_api ;
    python manage.py test tests.tests_api.test_accounts_api

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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KΓ©vin DΓ©rΓ©cusson πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Email : kevin.derecusson@outlook.fr
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevin-derecusson/

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This student project is the #9 of my training.
You can follow the previous here and next one here.