Hi there 👋 I'm Vasily

  • 🇩🇪 I live in Berlin, Germany.
  • 🐍 I'm an engineer at Parity Technologies.
  • 🤖 Most of the time I'm writing on Python and Go. Sometimes JavaScript (when I had to).
  • 🚀 I love pet-projects. They help me grow professionally all my life.
  • ✏️ I write articles on my blog (in Russian): vas3k.ru.
  • ✉️ You can shoot me an email at me@vas3k.ru.

🛠 My fancy badge area

python golang postgres redis aws k8s terraform html javascript css vue.js webpack django docker swagger fastapi asyncio git github pycharm prometheus jupyter pandas kafka conda homeassistant openstreetmap raspberry pi stripe latex

🐶 My pet-projects

vas3k.club is a small IT-lifestyle community with private and paid memberships that has emerged around my blog vas3k.ru and satellite chat-rooms. We are trying to build a helpful and candid ecosystem, which the Internet has lost a long ago. Therefore, we carefully select and filter new members and do not seek wild growth. The whole development process is open and managed on GitHub. The project attracted many volunteers who improve it together.

Fast and simple media upload proxy on Go. Supports images and videos. Can resize and transcode them in-flight and cache the result. Optimized for small projects and blogs. Not meant to be used by anyone except me :D

My little experiment around information consumption, biased news and fighting FOMO. Unlike social networks, where newsfeeds make up by tops and likes, I made a site that aggregates several (sometimes opposite) news sources on one page and allows to analyze them myself. A small number of people really loved it and uses it every day.

🤝 Connect with me

me@vas3k.ru linkedin twitter vas3k.ru vas3k.com