Installing Git

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If you are a beginner, you may want to start with some very basic tutorials that explain why git and GitHub are the tools that you want to know.

  • As usual in a computing world, the best place to start is the Hello World project (10 min)

    This tutorial covers some basic concepts about GitHub - all without ever leaving your browser.

    See if you can explain the following terms after going through the tutorial:

    • what is a repository?
    • what is a branch?
      • what is the name of the default branch?
    • what is a commit?
      • what is the point of a commit message?
    • what is a pull request?
      • what do the diffs show?
      • what does it mean to merge a pull request?
  • Got 15 minutes and want to learn Git? - let the Octocat guide you through some basic Git command line tools. (And if you are new to command line, don't worry! this one is in a browser window!)

  • What is GitHub? - very non-tech explanation of the major ideas behind using distributed version control system for running a project

  • Introduction • GitHub & Git Foundations - basic material, but uses a lot of jargon that may be tricky to follow if you have never used version control before

  • git - the simple guide - the title says it all; and it comes with a cheatsheet

  • Now that you know the basics ...

Getting involved and starting projects

Is Git / GitHub Essential?

If you are wondering why there is so much talk about Git and GitHub, and why it is that people ask you for your GitHub profile, take a look at the following articles.

The GitHub Student Developer Pack

GitHub has created a Student Developer Pack with many partner friends to give students free access to some developer tools such as private repositories on GitHub, AWS Credit, a suite of Microsoft Azure etc. (the list is LONG!)

You can get your developer pack here:

Want to add to this list?

If you find a great tutorial or an article, feel free to add it to the list above:

  • fork this repository
  • make changes to this file by adding your links
  • issue a pull request


Big thanks for Alisha Sonawalla for writing this guide and collecting all the resources!