
An avorion modpack

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

Avorion Mod collection

This is a simple collection of mods for Avorion, merged and adapted for personal use.

Already implemented

  • Shieldly (Clear Shields) Unchanged. This is a purely aesthetic mod.

  • AutoResearch Version 1.0 Provides a UI to auto-research items with some configuration options (available in /configs/autoresearch.lua). Known limitation, it's necessary to run the research multiple times and the game locks up when you run it if you have a lot of items.

  • Regenerative Asteroid Fields Enables the creation of "regenerative asteroid fields" that will re-generate their asteroids based off settings contained in /configs/regenerativeAsteroidsConfig.lua

  • All Production Chains Adds some mines/factories not originally available in the base game.

  • Gambling, Dock Building, Pirate Warlord, Spawn Changer & more Only the dockbuilding part is implemented. It allows the creation of player and alliance owned stations. The options included are Equipment Dock, Turret Factory, Research Station, Repair Dock, Shipyard, Citadel (does almost everything). More options can be easily added in /configs/dockBuildingConfig.lua

  • HavocPack: Salvaging Turrets Rebalanced, range has been increased to 6km, size lowered to normal and damage has been decreased as they were too effective as weapons (to the point they made everything else obsolete). Beam size has also been halved to limit mining rave parties.

  • HavocPack: Turrets & Upgrade merchants sell more items Very simple mod, shows 15 turrets instead of 10 at merchants to give some more choice.

  • HavocPack: Better Fighters (compatible with carrier commands!) Rebalanced, fighters HP increased by * 10, speed and agility increased too.

  • HavocPack: Unique Xsotan Keys Slightly rebalanced from Havoc's version. The amount of turrets has been considerably lowered.

  • HavocPack: Detailed Turret Tooltips Provides additional information about turrets in the tooltip, like energy consumption, dps, tracking and more.

  • HavocPack: All Turret Auto-Targeting Makes all turrets spawn with independent tracking.

  • HavocPack: Hiring Pool Scaling | bit Slightly reworked version based on Havoc's. Increases the amount of available crew as the player gets closer to the center.

  • HavocPack: "Mining System/Module" Balance Changes Increases the range/energy consumption of the Mining System upgrade module to make it somewhat useful.

  • HavocPack: AI-Ship salvages now all wreckages Workaround for a limitation of the game salvage script.

  • HavocPack: Salvage fighters have longer range Upped to 6km for both mining and salvaging

  • HavocPack: Custom Fighters Increases the damage output and HP for randomly generated fighters

  • move Asteroids Allows players to move asteroids before a mine is placed on them, for a price.

  • out of sector non player Production Emulates time passed for production facilities even when players are not in the sector

In the works

  • Rework AutoResearch. The code is flimsy and could use some ground-up rework.
  • CompleX3s CPX3 Laserzwei is implementing alliance support

Future plans

List of mods this is based on.

All credit goes to the original creators. I only merged them to avoid conflicts, tested and did some small improvements to fit my taste.

[Havoc Mod Pack] includes: