
Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

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A shell script to cpture live stream from chaturbate.


First of all, clone the repo to your local:

git clone https://github.com/KFERMercer/chaturbate-grabber.git && cd chaturbate-grabber

Now you neeo choose whether to use docker or a host environment,

I suggest you use docker.

Docker (Recommended. CaaS, High Availability.):

  1. Install some Docker-like product to your systeam.

  2. Build (or rebuild after update) the docker image:

    docker build -t ctbcap .
  3. Custome your own docker-compose file:

    cat ./docker-compose.yml.sample > ./compose.yml

    Then edit ./compose.yml to configure.

  4. Deploy the compose service:

    # build or rebuild the services:
    docker compose build
    # If you wish to run in the front of the terminal:
    docker compose up
    # If you want run and create to background daemon:
    docker compose up -d
    # Unload the compose service:
    docker compose down

Host environment:

  1. Make sure your shell is bash, and get install git, ffmpeg, curl. Follow this command to install them:

    # apt: 
    apt-get install -y git ffmpeg curl
    # yum:
    yum -y install git ffmpeg curl
    # apk:
    apk add install git ffmpeg curl
  2. Use the following command to run:

    SAVE_PATH=/path/to/savedir \
    LOG_PATH=/path/to/logdir \
    ./ctbcap <model-name>
  3. If you just want to get the m3u link of stream:

    ./ctbcap <your-favorite-model-name> -s

    You can add this script to system path:

    ln -s ~/chaturbate-grabber/ctbcap /sbin/ctbcap

    Then next time you can run the ctpcap directly without going into repo.

    If you don't want to leave your trail on localmachine:

        bash <(curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KFERMercer/chaturbate-grabber/master/ctbcap) <model-name>
    # ^ Should has space at the beginning.

Get follow-up updates:

Go to local git repo:

cd chaturbate-grabber

Update repo to newest commit:

git pull --rebase

have fun : )