The Color TFT Touchscreen Power / SWR meter repository. Here you will find schematics, Gerbers and Kicad project files to the Color TFT Touchscreen Power / SWR Meter


Here are some resources for the the Color TFT Touchscreen Power / SWR Meter project:


Teensy 3.2: https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy32.html

Color TFT Touchscreen: https://www.pjrc.com/store/display_ili9341_touch.html

Reference design:

Loftur E. Jónasson - TF3LJ / VE2LJX https://sites.google.com/site/lofturj/power-and-swr-meter---rev

Describes the project, it's features and operation. Reference design schematics as well as the official site to download the software source code from. Start here first.



This group is run by Johan Holstein PD0LEW who is located in Netherlands. Johan is someone good to know and is very knowledgable in software and hardware. RadioStuff is a good online resource for anyone thinking about building the power meter. Johan has a number of other projects that are of interest as well. In particular the RadioBerry.

What's all this KG5NII stuff anyhow?

That's me. Amateur radio callsign KG5NII. Given the two websites described previously, What do you need me for? Well you don't actually. The two resources given above contains more than enough information to get you started building your own Color TFT Touchscreen Power/SWR meter! All I'm doing is organizing and documenting my particular build of the meter. My particular set of PCB's will have complete BOM's as well as Gerbers and Kicad project files. (I did mention the PCB's are designed using Kicad didn't I?) What I offer is organization in amongst some of the chaos. And if you like what you see, it will be a place you can download the PCB Gerbers to have your own PCB's made, and hopefully along the way learn a thing or two from the info in the repository.

NOTE: I am not an engineer. I am not a professional anything.