Sum Blocks is a cryptocurrency wallet aggregator, that pulls both Ethereum and Bitcoin based wallet data and returns $USD/EUR sums for the wallets.
- Register as a user to be able to save wallets to your portfolio.
- Instantly run your portfolio of wallets, to see real-time total balances.
- Support for ERC-20 tokens, so long as they are traded with a BTC pair.
Sum Blocks is made possible by several open-source products and API's:
- CryptoCompare - The best price conversion api for cryptocurrency.
- Etherscan - API for ERC-20 blockchain exploration.
- Blockchain Explorer - API for Bitcoin blockchain exploration.
- Coindesk - Historical Bitcoin rate API.
- Bootstrap - Making the frontend look amazing.
- Flask - For all your framework needs.
- Python - Working the server-side.
- PostgreSQL - For user database, holding stored wallet information.
- SQL Alchemy - Great ORM, working it's language magic on the DB.
- Javascript - Because DOM.
Sum Blocks requires Python 3.7.2 to run.
Install the requirements.txt and start the server.
This project is still a personal project, though when I've deployed it officially I will open it up for public contributions.
- Write Tests
- Deploy
- Add more data vis for wallet-to-wallet interactions.
- Track portfolio value over time.
- Add Night Mode