Kubernetes Configuration for WordPress and MySQL Deployment

This repository contains Kubernetes YAML configuration files for deploying WordPress and MySQL with persistent storage in a Kubernetes cluster.

Files Included

1. PV.yaml

  • Description: Defines a PersistentVolume (PV) for MySQL data storage.
  • Namespace: <your-namespace>
  • Capacity: 3Gi
  • AccessMode: ReadWriteOnce
  • StorageClass: local-path
  • HostPath: /mnt/data

2. Update PV.yaml

  • Description: Contains updates or changes made to the PV.yaml over time.

3. PVC.yaml

  • Description: Defines a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) for MySQL data.
  • Namespace: <your-namespace>
  • Requested Storage: 1Gi
  • AccessMode: ReadWriteOnce
  • StorageClass: local-path

4. Update PVC.yaml

  • Description: Contains updates or changes made to the PVC.yaml.

5. mysql-deployment.yaml

  • Description: Deployment configuration for the MySQL database.
  • Namespace: <your-namespace>
  • MySQL Version: 8.0
  • Environment Variables: Populated from mysql-secret and wordpress-config.
  • Volumes: Mounts the mysql-data PersistentVolumeClaim.

6. Update mysql-deployment.yaml

  • Description: Contains updates or changes made to mysql-deployment.yaml.

7. mysql-secret.yaml

  • Description: Kubernetes Secret configuration for MySQL credentials (root password and username).
  • Namespace: <your-namespace>
  • Data: Base64-encoded credentials for MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD and MYSQL_ROOT_USER.

8. Create mysql-secret.yaml

  • Description: Instructions or updates regarding the creation or modification of mysql-secret.yaml.

9. mysql-service.yaml

  • Description: Service configuration for MySQL database.
  • Namespace: <your-namespace>
  • Service Type: ClusterIP
  • Port: Exposes MySQL on port 3306.

10. wordpress-deployment.yaml

  • Description: Deployment configuration for WordPress.
  • Namespace: <your-namespace>
  • WordPress Version: 6.3.1 with PHP 8.1.
  • Environment Variables: Database connection information is set using secrets and ConfigMaps.
  • Volumes: Mounts the wordpress-data PersistentVolumeClaim.

11. Create wordpress-deployment.yaml

  • Description: Instructions or updates for the creation or modification of wordpress-deployment.yaml.

12. Ingress.yaml

  • Description: Nginx Ingress configuration for routing external traffic to WordPress.
  • Namespace: <your-namespace>
  • Host: yourdomain-name.com
  • Service: Routes traffic to wordpress-service on port 80.

13. Update Ingress.yaml

  • Description: Updates or modifications to the Ingress.yaml.

14. wordpress-service.yaml

  • Description: Service configuration for WordPress.
  • Namespace: <your-namespace>
  • Service Type: ClusterIP
  • Port: Exposes WordPress on port 80.

15. Update wordpress-service.yaml

  • Description: Updates or modifications to wordpress-service.yaml.


To deploy the resources in a Kubernetes cluster:

  1. Ensure you have a running Kubernetes cluster and kubectl configured.

  2. Apply the files in the following order:

    kubectl apply -f mysql-secret.yaml 
    kubectl apply -f PV.yaml
    kubectl apply -f PVC.yaml
    kubectl apply -f mysql-deployment.yaml
    kubectl apply -f mysql-service.yaml
    kubectl apply -f wordpress-deployment.yaml 
    kubectl apply -f wordpress-service.yaml
    kubectl apply -f Ingress.yaml